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LOTRO – Lord of the Rings Online

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LOTRO Get On Top Of Bree Auction House Exploit

Here is a great exploit for lord of the rings online for getting on top of the bree auction house roof. The exploit is going to take some practice actually getting to work for you. It requires you to get on top of a few houses and run along the outer walls as well. It might seem like a pain to do it but once you actually get it working its great.

Its nothing special as people have found other ways to do this exploit, but this is a way that few people have been able to do let alone have i ever seen someone actually using this exploit. Be sure however that when you use this exploit you aren’t letting people see how you get up there because if too many people start doing it there is a good chance it will be nerfed. Some people are already saying it has been nerfed but i have not personally seen it nerfed in the game and seems to be working for me it just requires a lot of practice and patience in order to get to work for yourself.

Also if you are int he need for more lotro cheats and exploits be sure to check out taultunleashed. Taultunleashed is one of the worlds best places for lord of the rings online exploits and cheats because not only do you get a great site with over one million members but you get access to other sits such as mmoviper which is the number 1 botting site for lotro as well.

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Who know where i can find Lord of the rings Lotro gold?

Question by wowgold4need: Does anybody know where I can find cheap Lord of the Rings LOTRO Gold?

I play LOTRO pretty much daily. But I am still very much new to the game of lord of the rings. I don’t want to spend the time to learn the ropes, and find out the best places to hunt and harvest, I just want to get some gold so I can continue playing the game the way I want to play. I hate trying to level and constantly having to buy new equipment and cannot afford it. Please help, where can I find some cheap lotro lord of the rings gold that is a safe and reliable company?

Best answer:

Answer by Mr. DJ
have you checked IGE yet? They are the best place around, hands down. Dont be fooled by other places, they are scams, and you will either get your account banned, or they will jsut take your money. Stick with the professionals, and only buy from IGE. I have done business with them in 4 games now including world of warcraft, everquest2, aion, and of course lord of the rings. I hope that helps, and if it does, please leave a comment and tell me of your experience with them.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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MMOViper – Lord of the Rings Online ( LOTRO ) Loremaster Options setup (2 of 2)

Here is yet another fine video showing off the bots over at MMOViper. They are the best botting source that I can find. Currently they support all of the top mmorpgs including WarHammer, Vanguard, Lord of the Rings Online, Final Fantasy XI, EverQuest 2 are supported. If you have never heard of MMOViper before, they product bots for mmorpgs that fully automate hunting, leveling, harvesting, and include a radar showing where everything in on the map. In this video they walk through setting up a loremaster to fine tune the hunting style. The options are also fully customizable, so you can set the bot to play like you play the game. These options include but are not limited to hotkeys to press, when to press them, how you want to loot, what you want to fight, where you want to fight, etc.There is just too many features to put them all here. Visit the site and learn about it. Thanks Viper Team for making this.