Crafting is very RNG based, so if you want the best gear get ready to grind! Force Strategy Gaming:…
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Learn about crafting in ArcheAge as well as the Random Gods element (RNG). Crafting will provide the best gear in the game, so much so, that its not really worth trying to find/buy items from NPCs in game. Just be warned however, it will take you some time and a bit of luck to get the top most gear.
Some of these items you will be building say at level 20, then 24, then 30, 40, 50, etc. So you can see if you mess up early on, you ruin your chances for sucess down the line. Watch the video to get full details on what I am talking about.
People expect fairness in a Free-to-Play Korean MMO. Adorable.
Not particularly thrilled with the RNG of stats. That’s just fucking
stupid. You want to give me a random chance to craft rare item? Fine,
I’ll take that. But not having any control over the stats? That doesn’t
even make any sense.
I don’t think the fact that crafted gear is better than looted gear is a
good thing. Sure, in games like Wow, where you basically craft them to burn
them, that’s not that great either, but looted gear should always be better
than crafted gear.
They should make it to where if you are a higher level in a certain craft
you have a better chance to crit on crafting
Well, I liked Archage so far from the videos I´ve seen, but knowing about
this ends my interest in the game. I´m absolutely with you when you say the
best gear in game should be hard to obtain, but giving the player an
extremely low chance to craft it doesn´t make it hard to obtain, it just
makes the owners lucky.
In fact it also isn´t hard to obtain the slot machine jackpot in Vegas,
there are persons who made it on their first coin, and there are others,
actually millions of others who never made it.
This system is ok for a gambler, but not for an MMORPG, in my opinion they
should have done it differently, same effort should always yield same
reward. With this system that isn´t the case as there WILL be players
having the best pieces after only a few tries, whilst there of course will
also be the other ones, crafting their asses off and maybe never get the
desired result, at least not before leaving the game for good.
Can’t you also just get the gear through the auction house with currency
you’ve earned through other areas of the game?
I’d rather “grind” dungeons for endgame gear, which isn’t really grinding
anymore ’cause you need organization. Or better yet, “grind” honor in PVP
which again isn’t grinding anymore cause PVP is serious business. Not
gather crafting materials…
Not a good concept, not at all.
And here I thought no company would ever be dense enough to implement
something that’s up to par with the Hot Heart of Magic. Talk about terrible
item acquisition design. May RNGesus have mercy on your souls.
or you can just use a regrade scroll?
Yeah, i got super lucky and bought a heroic (yellow) scepter for like 3
gold that has better magic dmg than the two handed staff i was using at the
time, and since i had a free hand i found out that it also has better melee
dmg than the sword i crafted to go with it
What can you do with gear that has stats no one really uses?
Ow wauw, an MMO about grinding. Mind blowing!!! never seen! didnt expect
this at all!!!
Isn’t this system just a gigantic boost to the player to player economy? An
item your carracter can’t use doesn’t mean its a waste of grind right? This
game seems to be more about player interaction so go to town and sell that
useless purple epic thing.
When you first craft it starts green, second one could go blue…. but if
it doesnt go blue on the second craft is it possible to happen on number
3/4/5 ect. Or have you missed your chance?
Salvage reforges can let you get three “evenstoned” items and reforge into
another sealed item. The making of the forge to do it is the most expensive
I like this RNG grind thing hats going on. It just means that the people
who work harder are rewarded better.
thanks for another good guide, keep up the good work bro !
Sounds like a really stupid crafting system. With this system there’s no
guarantee you’ll get what you want. You could be grinding for this gear for
months or even years. It’s almost as bad as the ‘treasure chests’ in F2P
stores where you have a very small chance to get some random legendary
It’s all fun and good. I just consider the labor points for crafting crazy!
I mean 100 lp for a new piece and then you need to craft like 100 of those
to get something decent. Wtf!
I really don’t want to spend all of my time crafting just to get things I
can’t even use because of those random stats…….. Hey there RNG ready to
bend me over and fuck me in the ass in yet another MMO?
Woops, forgot to mention the Halycona Neck, at the start of Haly War time
you will be able to head to the PvP base (Marked with a crystal on the map)
and if you have the quest which can be gotten from any PvP npc in major
cities you will be able to obtain a Warriors Medal, the next step is to
attempt to destroy the enemy teams crystal to get even more Medals. Once
you have 10 total you can craft a neck in the zone. This neck has 10 stages
and requires medals for each stage, whether the neck gets upgraded to the
next stage or not is also RNG but the final stage will give you an
incredibly powerful neck!
A lot of information complied into one video to avoid ArcheAge Video spam
for my WoW only viewers. All the information is relevant to each other at
could you make a video to help people to get money to buy apex as a free
user? cause fishing gives money but for free players is quite imposible get
400k this way
Great video 😀 also nice to see more people trying Acheage out as it does
have some fun stuff to do in game :)
k so i crafted the first sword, then went to craft the second one, but it
wants a basic apprentice sword when i just made a grand apprentice sword,
please help do i make this basic one some how? or find it? cant find it
in the AH, this is block in the crafting progression is really pissing me
off. thanks for the help
Great guide Thank you
Great video!! just have one question can item get destroyed before getting
to celestia, for example regrading a faded loyalty greataxe from arcane to
You are better off with the honor point weapon enchant than with your silly
Good guide tho’. learned alot about crafting which i need to get started
on.. !
Around like 18:45 you did comparisons and found them all to be kinda
crappy. You were comparing whites vs heroic dungeon gear. Is the crafted
gear really barely as good as the dungeon gear or am I missing something?
Besides the Auction house, where can you get the regrade scrolls?
I knew i could count on you!